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Rock Lambert



Figurehead: Book 1

Rise of a Legend


Now Available

Figurehead: Book 2

Bite of the Jackal

Now Available

Figurehead: Book 3

Pact of the Ages

Now Available





Figurehead: Book 1 - Rise of a Legend
by Rock Lambert


Reviewed by John E. Roper

"The author vividly recreates those days in his entertaining and suspenseful tale of a passion that endures beyond the grave.


Lambert blends romance, violence, and heroism in a historical tale tinged with the supernatural. Gripping and engaging, this first part in a larger story captivates the reader all the way."

After its release in August of 2015, Figurehead: Book 1 - Rise of a Legend was given a 4 star review from Pacific Book Reviews.






Figurehead: Book 1 - Rise of a Legend

By Rock Lambert



Reviewed by Kimberlee Hicks


"The author's appreciation and knowledge for seafarers and the seafaring life is evident. His details are beautifully meticulous and picturesque.

This is a book that could be enjoyed by young adults and adults alike.


Figurehead: Book 1 - Rise of a Legend is the start of an adventure no one will want to miss."


Figurehead: Book 2 - Bite of the Jackal

by Rock Lambert


Reviewed by Lisa Brown-Gilbert


"I found myself easily engrossed with its winning combination of history, mystery, and paranormal phenomena. I enjoyed author Rock Lambert's skillful job of recreating the past with his detailed and realistic portrayal of the maritime aspects of this novel."


                 - 5 star review -


           Lisa Brown-Gilbert

         Pacific Book Reviews


Figurehead: Book 2 - Bite of  the Jackal

by Rock Lambert


Reviewed by  Mihir Shah


"Bite of the Jackal is an enjoyable read filled with elements of adventure and fantasy, whether in the seventeenth-century pursuit of a cold-hearted villain or the discovery of a resurrected figurehead in twenty-first century Carter's Point, Virginia."


                    Mihir Shah

        The US Review of Books



After its release in September of 2016, Figurehead: Book 2 - Bite of the Jackal received two 5 star reviews! One from Pacific Book Reviews, and the other from Hollywood book Reviews.

Figurehead: Book 3 - Pact of the Ages

by Rock Lambert


Reviewed by Lisa Brown-Gilbert


"I thoroughly enjoyed Figurehead: Book 3 - Pact of the Ages. It was easy to be swept into the historical setting, the seafaring fight scenes, and the touching yet tragic romance of the story."


     -Pacific Book Reviews Star Award-


       Lisa Brown-Gilbert

     Pacific Book Reviews



Figurehead: Book 3 - Pact of the Ages

by Rock Lambert


Reviewed by Ella Vincent


"Figurehead: Book 3 - Pact of the Ages is a compelling story with many exciting twists and turns.Lambert creates stunning visuals with his vivid descriptions of the ships that sail the Atlantic. Figurehead will take readers on a journey across time to tell a memorable story."


Ella Vincent

Hollywood Book Reviews


Figurehead: Book 3 - Pact of the Ages

by Rock Lambert



"The books truly tell and epic story in three parts. New readers won't be confused, but the trilogy is best explored in its entirety, particularly the reveal of one character's identity - shocking only to those  familiar with the earlier novels. A first-rate finale to a frequently engrossing seafaring series."


Kirkus Indie Reviews




In August of 2013, I began an incredible adventure. I started the pursuit of a dream to become an author, and began writing the Figurehead trilogy. Nearly 3 years later, the story is complete, and I invite you to join me on a grand adventure such as you have never seen...full of romance, suspense, action, tragedy and excitement.

I was born in Hollywood, California and grew up in the Pacific Northwest. I've traveled to many places here in the U.S. and around the world, and I'm now residing in Oregon with my wonderful wife Loreen, and our Chihuahua, Lily.



For any media inquiries, please contact (612) 790-4846, or email me at

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