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The journey begins.

Well, here we go.

The beginning of a new thing, and the pursuit of a dream.

Ever since my early teens I have always dreamed of being able to write a story, and through the years I've dabbled in it. I've written many poems, thoughts and ideas down, but have never had the confidence or motivation to take up the challenge of writing something really big.


With no journalistic or writing experience, I really have no idea what I might be getting myself into, or what to expect. But somewhere in my mind a remember a saying that even the greatest of journeys begin with a single step. I'm ready to take that step now, and I am confident and have the motivation to see this project through to completion.

Where did the motivation and confidence come from? You wouldn't believe me if I told you.

Okay, I'll tell you. I got the drive and the motivation for this project from of all things, a fortune read that right. A fortune cookie. Here's what happened:

The other night at work an Asian woman that I've known and worked with for awhile named Yun Brozynski came in and was passing out fortune cookies to everyone. She usually does this every week, but this week she pulled a cookie out of the bag and as she handed it to me she said, "This one special...It's just for you."

Well, I took it from her and thanked her, and I went ahead and opened the wrapper and broke the cookie apart. I popped half of it in my mouth as I pulled the fortune from the other half, and I almost choked when I read it...

"You will be an accomplished writer."

No joke. That's what it said...and it seemed to be all I needed to find the confidence and drive to take on this challenge and pursue this dream. I'm going to keep this fortune as a memento to always remind me of how sometimes something you're looking for can find you...and from the most unlikely places.

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